Climb When it is Clear / The Canal

One Poem whilst WFH and Another whilst Running

Lewys Gammond-Phillips
2 min readJun 28, 2021
The view which inspired Climb When it is Clear in April last year.

Climb When it is Clear

Television turned off, I take a moment
To myself — laying on my mother’s settee.
Windowpane keeps my gaze in its containment,
Lost staring at the same things I always see.

I’ll revisit this place again tomorrow:
Bells ringing, birds singing, home holds its shape.
What will I think, what will I know;
Looking for meaning, looking for escape.

My eyes follow the crane in the sky.
Will I climb the mountain before I die?

I Googled “canal lily pads” and The Canal I ran by was one of the top images :-). Source: Flickr.

The Canal

Even though the bank’s brim bursts,
The barn’s casing rots and rusts,
Children scour home to be first,
The rain must stop, it just must!

Wet soil bubbles into puddles,
Paint pops out of leftover tins,
Birds meet in nests to cuddle,
The rain must stop, it can’t win!

But no matter what, like a boat,
In the rain, the lily pad floats.

I wrote Climb When it is Clear in April 2020, whilst working from home. I probably spent most of the day going back and fore on it, making slight edits until I was happy.

The Canal was written just now, during the second half of the France v Switzerland game. I may be happier with it than the one which took five times longer to write.

But to be honest, I do have a soft spot for first drafts.



Lewys Gammond-Phillips

Politics and poetry, mostly. Also some economics, interesting ideas, and social issues.